O Basan bell mae'n cyrchu ambell un

O Basan bell,
    mae'n cyrchu ambell un,
Yn ol i'w dŷ,
    i'r teulu hardd cytun;
O ddyfnder môr,
    daw rhagor etto'n rhydd;
Y Meichai mwyn,
    a'u dwyn i oleu'r dydd.

Er llithro i'r llaid, a
    llygru defaid Duw,
Cyfammod sy,
    i'w codi i fynu'n fyw;
A golchi i gyd,
    eu holl aflendid hwy,
A'u dwyn o'r bedd,
    heb ddim anmhuredd mwy.
Edward Jones 1761-1836


  Cyfamod hedd cyfamod cadarn Duw
  Mae Eglwys Dduw trwy'r ddae'r a'r nef yn un

From distant Bashan,
    an occasional one is starting out,
Back to his house,
    to the beautiful, agreeing family;
From the depth of a sea,
    shall come more yet free;
The dear Surety,
    shall bear them to the light of day.

Despite sliding to the mud, and
    becoming corrupt are the sheep of God
A covenant it is,
    to lift them up alive;
And wash all
    their uncleanness,
And bring them from the grave,
    without any impurity any more.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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